Bobby Hurley Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Bobby Hurley

Bobby Hurley is a well-known name in the world of college basketball. The 53-year-old coach has had a successful career as a player. Now, he is a coach. He has an impressive net worth of $2 million. Hurley was born on June 28, 1971, in Jersey City, New Jersey. He has always been passionate about basketball. He followed in his father’s footsteps, Bob Sr., a Hall of Fame coach at St.

Anthony High School. Hurley was the NCAA’s all-time leader in assists. On February 24, 1993, he set a school and Cameron Indoor Stadium record with 16 assists. Besides his successful career, Hurley also has a loving family. Stay tuned to find out more about Bobby Hurley’s net worth, age, height, weight, and family in 2024.

Who is Bobby Hurley?

Bobby Hurley is a man who teaches college students how to play basketball very well. He was once a player himself, playing for a team and even in big games! Now, he is the coach for the Arizona State team, helping them learn to be the best they can be in basketball.

Bobby has been around basketball for a long time because his dad was also a very good coach. Bobby loves basketball so much, he even played it when he was in school, just like you! Now, he uses all he knows to make other players great.


Bobby Hurley
Date of Birth
June 28, 1971
53 years old as of 2024
Jersey City, New Jersey
Real Name

Bobby Hurley’s full name is Robert Matthew Hurley. That’s his real name, but most people just call him Bobby.

It’s kind of like how sometimes people might call you by a shorter name or a nickname that’s easier to say. It’s a special name because it’s his, just like your name is special because it’s yours!

Early Life and Education

Bobby Hurley was born in a place called Jersey City, New Jersey. When he was a little kid, just like you, he loved to play basketball. Bobby went to school where he learned to read, write, and do lots of things that you’re learning right now.

But, he also played lots of basketball at school, practicing every day. His dad was a really good basketball coach, so Bobby learned a lot from him. Bobby worked very hard in school and on the basketball court. That’s how he became good at basketball. Later, he went to a big school called Duke University to play more basketball and learn more.

Parents and siblings.

Bobby Hurley’s dad is Bob Sr., a super famous basketball coach who taught lots of players how to be great. Bobby learned so much about basketball from his dad. It’s like having your own personal teacher at home!

Bobby also has siblings. But, we talk a lot about his dad. His dad helped Bobby love basketball. Imagine playing basketball and learning all the tricks from your dad; that’s how Bobby got so good! Just like in your family, everyone helps each other. Bobby’s family did the same with basketball.


Bobby Hurley’s wife is Leslie Palceski. They got married on a special day, November 2, in the year 1995. Think of it like this: if you have a best friend you love to play and share toys with, Leslie is Bobby’s best friend for life.

Together, they decided to start a family and now have three kids. Imagine having someone who cheers for you when you do great in a game or gives you a hug when you’re sad. That’s what Leslie does for Bobby. They are like a team, supporting and loving each other every day.


Bobby Hurley and his wife, Leslie, have three children: two girls and a boy. Their names are Cameron, Sydney, and Bobby, just like their dad. They probably play games, do homework, and maybe even play basketball like their dad!

Imagine having a dad who knows so much about basketball – you could learn to make the coolest shots. Their house must be full of laughter, games, and maybe some basketball talk at dinner.

Bobby Hurley physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Bobby Hurley is a tall person, standing as high as 6 feet 1 inch! That’s probably taller than your school teacher. And his weight is 88 kilograms. That’s like stacking many basketballs until they were heavy.

Because he used to play basketball, he’s strong and fit, kind of like a superhero but for sports. Imagine looking up to someone so tall, you might have to tilt your head back to see their smile! Bobby’s height and strength helped him at basketball. They let him make great shots and run fast on the court.

Bobby Hurley Before Fame

Before Bobby Hurley became a famous basketball coach, he was a kid just like you! He loved playing basketball every day. He liked shooting hoops and learning to pass well. Bobby lived in a place called Jersey City and went to school where he practiced basketball a lot.

His dad was also his coach and taught him many cool basketball tricks. Imagine playing and learning basketball from your dad and becoming super good at it! That’s how Bobby started his journey in basketball, by loving the game and working hard even when he was just a kid.

Bobby Hurley Career

Bobby Hurley started playing basketball when he was very young. His dad taught him all about the game. He played for his school teams. Then, he played for a big school called Duke University. There, he became famous for helping his team win many games. After college, Bobby played basketball professionally.

He got paid to play because he was really good! Later, he decided to become a coach, teaching college students how to play basketball just like he used to. Now, Bobby is the coach of the Arizona State team, helping them learn to be the best they can be.

Bobby Hurley Net Worth

Bobby Hurley has saved a lot of money from being super good at basketball and teaching it too. Imagine if you had a huge jar and every time you did something amazing in basketball, you got to put a shiny coin in it.

Now, his net worth is around 2 million dollars! That’s like buying a whole lot of toys and ice creams for everyone you know, and still having lots left over!

Bobby Hurley Famous Reason

Bobby Hurley became super famous because he was amazing at basketball. He played for a team called Duke University and helped them win a lot of games. People loved watching him because he could pass the ball so well and make the game exciting.

He even set a record for passing the ball 16 times in one game, which is super cool! After playing, he became a coach to teach others how to be great at basketball, just like he was. This is why so many people know his name and think he’s awesome at basketball.

Bobby Hurley Nationality and religion.

Bobby Hurley was born in a place called Jersey City in New Jersey, which is in the United States. That means he is American, just like if you were born here too! As for religion, that’s what people believe about God or how the world works.

People have different beliefs, and it’s a personal thing for everyone, including Bobby. Just like in your class, each family might celebrate different holidays. They might have different traditions. The same is true for Bobby and his family. It’s important to remember that what makes us unique is also what makes us special.

Bobby Hurley Legacy and Impact

Bobby Hurley’s story is like a treasure map that leads to finding how to be great at basketball and in life. He showed everyone that with lots of practice and a big heart, you can do amazing things. Because of how well he passed the ball and led his teams, many kids and grown-ups look up to him.

They think, “I want to be awesome like Bobby!” He makes people believe they can be good at sports and also be kind friends and family members. It’s like he’s passing a magic basketball. It makes everyone who catches it feel special and strong.

Bobby Hurley Future Plains

Bobby Hurley has big dreams for the future! He plans to keep coaching his basketball team at Arizona State, teaching them to be the best players they can be. Bobby wants to help his team win more games and maybe even a big trophy someday. He also hopes to spend lots of time with his family, playing games, and going on adventures.

Bobby thinks it’s important to learn new things about basketball. He also wants to share what he knows with others. He wants to make sure that everyone loves basketball. They should have fun playing and watching the game, just like he does.


  • Bobby Hurley loves fun. He does it when he’s not coaching basketball or with his family. Here are some of his favorite hobbies:

  • Bobby likes to hit the golf course and play a few rounds. It’s a great way for him to relax and have fun.

  • He enjoys watching movies, especially sports movies that inspire him.

  • Bobby loves to read books about sports, leadership, and motivation to learn new things.

  • Sometimes, Bobby goes fishing. It’s peaceful and makes him happy to catch fish.

  • He also likes to play video games. He especially likes basketball games where he can be a champion in the virtual world too.

Interesting Facts About Bobby Hurley

  • Bobby Hurley used to play basketball before he became a coach.

  • He is the boss of the Arizona State basketball team.

  • His dad, Bob Sr., is super famous in basketball too.

  • Bobby once passed the ball 16 times in one game, which was a big deal.

  • He has a family with a wife and three kids. They have fun names like Cameron, Sydney, and Bobby.

  • Bobby is pretty tall, he is over 6 feet high!

  • He has a lot of money from playing and coaching basketball, about $2 million.

  • When Bobby was younger, he played a lot of basketball and became very good at it.


What does Bobby Hurley do?

He is a basketball coach, which means he teaches players how to play the game. Before that, he played basketball too!

How tall is Bobby?

He is as tall as six feet and one inch. Imagine about as tall as your dad standing on his toes!

Who is in Bobby’s family?

He has a wife named Leslie, and they have three kids: Cameron, Sydney, and Bobby Jr. It’s like having your own team at home!

Does Bobby like to do fun stuff?

Yes, he loves playing golf. He also likes watching movies, reading books, and going fishing. He even plays video games. It sounds like he has a lot of fun when he’s not coaching.

How much money does he have?

Bobby has saved up about $2 million from playing and coaching basketball. That’s like having a giant piggy bank!


Bobby Hurley is a big name in basketball. He was a star player and now he’s a great coach. Bobby teaches players how to be their best at Arizona State. He loves his family a lot and has fun hobbies like golf and fishing. People remember him for being super good at passing the ball and for his big heart.

Bobby shows us that working hard and caring for others makes you a winner. Remember, whether you play sports or not, always try your best and be kind. Bobby’s story teaches us to chase our dreams and have fun along the way!


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