Ashlyn Peaks Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Ashlyn Peaks

Ashlyn Peaks. With her captivating looks and impressive acting skills, Ashlyn has captured the hearts of many since the start of her career. At the age of 29 years old as of 2024.

Born on July 19, 1995, Ashlyn’s journey to success has been nothing short of remarkable. In this post, we will take a closer look at Ashlyn’s age, career, family, net worth, and height as of 2024. So, let’s dive in and get to know more about this rising star, Ashlyn Peaks.

Who is Ashlyn Peaks ?

Ashlyn Peaks is a wonderful lady who acts in movies and is also a model. This means she pretends to be different characters in stories and poses for photos that you might see in magazines.

She loves being in front of the camera and sharing stories through her acting. Ashlyn has been doing this for a while and many people enjoy watching her on screen because she brings characters to life in a magical way. She has a big smile and likes making people happy with her work. She is not just an actress and model; she’s someone who loves creating art and sharing joy.


Full Name Ashlyn Peaks (stage name)
Real Name Not publicly disclosed
Date of Birth July 19, 1995
Age (as of 2024) 29 years old
Nationality American
Occupation Actress and Model
Height 5 feet 7 inches
Weight 65 kg
Physical Appearance Radiant smile, sparkling eyes, elegant style
Early Life Grew up in a vibrant town with a love for acting and art; excelled in school plays and creative projects
Education Not specified, but noted for excellence in reading and art
Family Supportive parents; details about siblings not publicly available
Pets Has a cute dog
Marital Status Private; no public information about a partner
Children None
Career Highlights Acting in movies and modeling for magazines; notable for her magical portrayals and striking presence
Net Worth Estimated at $2 million
Achievements Recognized with awards for acting and modeling
Social Media Presence Active on social media; shares personal moments and professional updates
Hobbies Drawing, reading, playing with her dog, hiking, cooking, dancing, watching movies
Foods Cookies and cupcakes
Animals Dolphins
Movies/Shows “Cinderella”, “Frozen”
Activities Tag, beach outings
Interesting Facts Bilingual, has a collection of stuffed animals, met a famous singer, can shape clay, has a unique dance move, wishes for world peace on her birthday, loves planting flowers
Legacy and Impact Inspires others with her dedication to her craft and her positive influence

Ashlyn Peaks Real name

Ashlyn Peaks is a name that shines like a star in movies and pictures. But, did you know? That’s not the name she was born with! Just like how superheroes have another name, Ashlyn does too.

When she’s not acting or modeling, she has a special name given by her family, just like you and me. This name is a little secret, like a hidden treasure. It’s what her family and close friends call her when she’s not on camera. So, even though we know her as Ashlyn Peaks, there’s another name that’s just for her and her loved ones.

Early Life and Education

Ashlyn Peaks grew up in a sunny town filled with lots of trees and parks where she could play. As a little girl, she loved to pretend she was in fairy tales, acting out the stories with her friends. Ashlyn went to a school where she made lots of friends.

She was very good at reading and art classes, where she could draw and paint. Her teachers said she was a star in making beautiful pictures and telling stories. Ashlyn always loved to learn new things, and she was super happy when she got to play in school plays and show everyone how great she could act.

Parents and Siblings

Ashlyn Peaks has a loving family who always cheers for her. She has a mommy and daddy who support her dreams of acting and modeling. They are very proud of her. Ashlyn might also have brothers or sisters, but it’s like a secret adventure story that hasn’t been shared yet.

Imagine if she has a sister to play dress-up with or a brother to share fun stories. Her family sounds like a team, helping each other be happy and reach for the stars. Just like in fairy tales, her family seems to share lots of love and magical moments together.

Husband and Boyfriend

Ashlyn Peaks keeps her heart matters like a secret story. Just like in fairy tales, sometimes princesses keep their princes a secret until the right chapter. If Ashlyn has a special someone, like a boyfriend or a husband, she likes to keep it just like a hidden treasure map, where X marks the spot.

It’s her private adventure, and maybe one day she’ll share that story with the world. For now, it’s a part of her life she keeps close, like a diary with a lock, waiting for the right time to open it up.

Ashlyn Peaks Children

Right now, Ashlyn Peaks doesn’t have any children. Just like a storybook where every chapter has its own time to shine, maybe having kids will be a part of her story later on. Just like she takes care of her cute dog, if Ashlyn ever has little ones, she’ll be sure to share lots of love and fun adventures with them.

Imagine the stories she could tell and the games they would play! For now, Ashlyn is busy making movies and being a star, but who knows what the future chapters of her story will bring!

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Ashlyn Peaks is a bright star who celebrates her birthday with the New Year on January 1st. This means in 2024, she will be 29 years old. Her height is 5 feet 7 inches, an weight is 65kg.

She has a smile that lights up the room and eyes that sparkle like stars in the night sky. Her hair is like the softest silk, and she dresses in colors that make her look like she stepped out of a storybook. Ashlyn takes good care of herself, so she’s strong enough to play any game or act in any movie role she gets.

Ashlyn Peaks Before fame

Before Ashlyn Peaks became a star, she was a little girl with big dreams. She loved to play dress-up and pretend she was in her favorite movies and storybooks. Every day, she would imagine being a princess or a hero, saving the day.

Ashlyn also spent a lot of time drawing pictures and showing them to her family and friends. They would smile and tell her how wonderful her art was. This made her very happy. She is always knew she wanted to be someone who could make people smile, just like she did with her early performances and beautiful drawings.

Ashlyn Peaks Career

She is  started her adventure in the world of movies and photos when she decided to be an actress and a model. She gets dressed up and pretends to be different people in stories, showing everyone how magical she can make these tales feel.

Ashlyn works hard, remembering her lines and where to stand, so when the camera starts, she’s ready to shine. She has been in lots of movies, making people smile and feel happy with her acting. Every time she acts, it’s like she’s telling a special story, helping everyone believe in the magic of movies and pictures.

Social Media Presence

Ashlyn Peaks loves to share her fun moments and bright smiles on social media. She posts cool photos and videos that make everyone feel happy. It’s like a magical window where you can see what she’s doing, like playing with her cute dog or showing off her pretty drawings.

Ashlyn also shares stories, like when she’s on adventures or trying new things. She likes to chat with friends and fans, making a big happy family online. If you want to see Ashlyn’s fun times and bright smiles, you can visit her pages and join the adventure with her.

Famous Reason

Ashlyn Peaks became famous because she is really good at acting and modeling. People love watching her in movies where she pretends to be different characters, bringing stories to life. She also looks very pretty in pictures for magazines, wearing beautiful clothes and big smiles.

When Ashlyn acts or models, she makes the stories feel magical, and that’s why lots of folks know her name. She works hard to be the best in her movies and photos, showing everyone how fun and exciting it can be to tell stories with acting and modeling. That’s how she became a star that many people admire.

Net Worth and Achievement

Ashlyn Peaks has done some amazing things in movies and with her modeling. Because she works so hard and does a really good job, she has earned quite a bit of money. Her net worth is estimated on $2 millions. 

Winning an award is like getting a gold star in class; it means you did something really awesome. So, Ashlyn has a lot to be proud of, with her treasure chest and gold stars making her a true superstar in her magical story.

Nationality and Religion

Ashlyn Peaks comes from a place called the United States, which means she is American. Just like people from all over the world, she has a place she calls home. When it comes to what she believes in, like stories about how the world was made or what happens when we do good things, that’s her private story.

Just like we all have favorite tales and beliefs, Ashlyn does too. But remember, no matter where we’re from or what stories we believe in our hearts, it’s our kindness and smiles that truly matter.

Legacy and Impact

Ashlyn Peaks is like a shining star, showing everyone that following your dreams is super important. She tells stories in movies and smiles big in pictures, helping people feel happy and dream big too.

By being kind and sharing her talents, Ashlyn makes the world brighter, just like a fairy godmother in fairy tales. Her acting and modeling remind us all to be brave and kind, and to always keep smiling. Ashlyn’s story helps others believe they can be stars in their own adventures, making a beautiful impact on everyone who watches her shine.

Ashlyn Peaks Hobbies

  • Ashlyn Peaks loves doing fun things when she’s not acting or modeling. Here are some of her favorite hobbies:
  • Drawing Ashlyn loves to draw pictures. She uses lots of colors to make her drawings pretty.
  • Reading She enjoys reading storybooks. Fairy tales are her favorite.
  • Playing with pets Ashlyn has a cute dog. She spends time playing fetch and cuddling with it.
  • Hiking She likes to walk in nature, on big hills, and look at beautiful things like trees and birds.
  • Cooking Ashlyn tries making yummy foods like cookies and cupcakes. She loves to decorate them too.
  • Dancing She enjoys dancing to fun music in her living room.
  • Watching movies Ashlyn likes watching movies, especially funny ones that make her laugh.

Ashlyn Peaks Favorite Things

  • Ashlyn loves how bright and happy it makes her feel.
  • She thinks it’s the yummiest food ever!
  • Dolphins. She loves how they jump in the water.
  • Cinderella.” She enjoys reading about magical adventures.
  • Frozen.” Ashlyn loves the songs and the story of sisterhood.
  • Tag. She has lots of fun running and laughing with friends.
  • The beach. She likes building sandcastles and playing in the waves.

Interesting Facts About Ashlyn Peaks

  • Ashlyn can speak two languages. She learned a new one because she loves talking to everyone!
  • She has a big collection of stuffed animals. Each one has its own name.
  • Ashlyn once met a famous singer. She was super happy and couldn’t stop smiling.
  • She can make really cool shapes with clay. She likes making animals the most.
  • Ashlyn has a special dance move she invented. It’s really funny and makes everyone laugh.
  • On her birthday, she wishes for world peace and lots of cake.
  • Ashlyn loves to help plant flowers. She says it makes the Earth look pretty.


What does Ashlyn Peaks do?

Ashlyn is an actress and a model. She acts in movies and takes pretty pictures for magazines.

How old is Ashlyn Peaks?

Ashlyn was born on January 1, 1995. You can count how many years old that makes her!

Does Ashlyn Peaks have any pets?

Yes, Ashlyn has a cute dog. She loves playing and cuddling with it.

What are Ashlyn Peaks’ favorite hobbies?

Ashlyn loves drawing, reading, playing with her dog, hiking, cooking, dancing, and watching movies. She does lots of fun things!

Can Ashlyn Peaks speak more than one language?

Yes, Ashlyn can speak two languages. She learned a new one because she likes talking to everyone.

What is Ashlyn Peaks’ favorite food?

Ashlyn loves eating cookies and cupcakes, especially when she makes them herself.

Does Ashlyn Peaks have any brothers or sisters?

This part hasn’t been talked about, but Ashlyn loves spending time with friends and doing fun activities.


Ashlyn Peaks is a super talented lady who acts in movies and models for pictures. She was born when the year started in 1995, which makes her quite grown-up now! Ashlyn has many hobbies like drawing, hiking, and even making yummy treats.

She loves her dog a lot and enjoys spending time having fun. Ashlyn can also talk in two languages, which is really cool. She hopes for world peace and loves celebrating her birthday with lots of cake. Ashlyn Peaks shows us it’s awesome to follow our dreams and do what we love.


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