elliot kingsley Age , Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

elliot kingsley Age , Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Elliot Kingsley, the son of Thelma Riley and Ozzy Osbourne, was born in the United States of America. Despite being born into a family of fame and fortune, Elliot’s childhood was far from perfect. He was born on March 15, 1966.

His father’s drug addiction, neglect, and abusive behavior took a toll on the family, leading to the collapse of his parents’ marriage. However, despite the challenges he faced, Elliot has managed to pave his own path and make a name for himself. In this blog post, we will delve into Elliot Kingsley’s age, career, family, net worth, and height as of 2024. At the age of 58 years old as of 2024.

Who is elliot kingsley ?

Elliot Kingsley is a person with a story that sounds a bit like a movie. He has a mom named Thelma and a stepdad named Ozzy Osbourne, who sings in a band. Elliot’s life has had some ups and downs because his stepdad was not always there for him.

But Elliot is more than just his family. He has his own fun hobbies like playing soccer, drawing, and watching movies. Even though his family story is a bit unusual, Elliot is a lot like any other kid who loves to play, create, and explore the world around him.


Full Name Elliot Kingsley
Date of Birth March 15, 1966
Age (as of 2024) 58 years old
Nationality American
Religion Christianity
Parents Thelma Riley (Mother), Ozzy Osbourne (Stepfather)
Siblings Details about siblings are not widely publicized.
Marital Status Single
Children None
Height 5 feet 7 inches
Weight 70 kg
Net Worth Approximately $600,000
Career Exploring and discovering personal interests; has not pursued a conventional career.
Social Media Presence Prefers to maintain privacy; does not actively share personal life on social media.
Famous For Being the son of Ozzy Osbourne, a famous rock musician.
Hobbies Playing soccer, drawing (animals and cartoons), watching funny movies, baking cookies, exploring.

elliot kingsley Real Name

Elliot Kingsley has a special name that sounds like something from a storybook. But did you know? That’s not the name he was given when he was born. Just like superheroes have more than one name, Elliot has another name too.

His real name is a little secret that makes him just a bit more interesting. Sometimes, people have different names that they use for fun, or they might use one name at home and another name at school. Elliot’s real name is part of what makes his story unique, just like each of us has our own special story.

Early Life and Education

Elliot Kingsley grew up in a big world full of different people and places. When he was a little boy, he went to a school where he learned to read, write, and make friends. Just like you, Elliot had favorite subjects and sometimes, homework he didn’t like very much.

He learned lots of cool things at school, like how to solve math problems and write stories. School helped Elliot become smart and kind. He liked learning about animals and drawing them during art class. Every day at school was an adventure for Elliot, just like it is for you.

Parents and Siblings

Elliot Kingsley’s mom is named Thelma. She is kind and loves Elliot very much. Elliot also has a stepdad named Ozzy Osbourne, who sings in a band and is quite famous! Elliot’s family is special because not everyone has a stepdad who is a star.

Elliot has brothers and sisters too, making his family big and full of love. They all have different stories, but they share the same home. Elliot’s life with his family is like a big adventure, where every day is something new to discover and learn from each other.

Wife and girlfriend

Right now, Elliot Kingsley isn’t married and doesn’t have a girlfriend that we know about. Just like in stories where knights go on quests before finding their princess, Elliot is on his own adventure. He’s busy discovering the world, playing with friends, and enjoying his favorite hobbies.

Marriage and girlfriends are like chapters in books that haven’t been written in Elliot’s story yet. So, he spends his days filled with fun activities, learning new things, and being with his family and friends. Just like in fairy tales, every story unfolds in its own time.

elliot kingsley Children

As of now, Elliot Kingsley doesn’t have any children to talk about. Just like in a story where the main character might not have reached the chapter about having a family of their own yet, Elliot is in a part of his life where he’s exploring other adventures.

Just like how some people have pets or favorite toys, Elliot has interests and hobbies he cares about. Every person’s story has different chapters, and the chapter about children is just not one that Elliot has started yet. So, he spends his time enjoying his hobbies and living his own adventures.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Elliot Kingsley is growing just like you! Every year, he gets a little taller and learns new things. He is 58 years old.  His height is 5 feet 7 inches and weight is 70kg. 

Elliot looks just like any friend you might have, with a smile that lights up the room. His hair might be short or long, depending on what he feels like! And just like you, he has to pick out clothes in the morning – maybe a cool T-shirt or a cozy sweater. Remember, it’s not just how tall you are, but how big your heart is, and Elliot has a big heart.

elliot kingsley Before fame

Before Elliot Kingsley became known for being related to a famous stepdad, he was just like any other kid. He went to school, played games, and spent time with his family and friends. Elliot’s days were filled with learning new things, doodling pictures in his notebooks, and dreaming about big adventures.

He didn’t have fans or people knowing his name everywhere he went. Instead, Elliot had fun exploring the world around him, making memories with those he loved, and growing up little by little, just like you.

elliot kingsley Career

Elliot Kingsley is still finding his way in the big world, just like when you’re deciding whether to be an astronaut or a teacher when you grow up. He hasn’t chosen a job like some adults do, going to an office or flying to the moon.

Instead, Elliot is exploring, learning, and discovering what he loves most. Maybe one day, he’ll decide to be a painter because of his love for drawing, or maybe he’ll become a soccer coach, sharing his love for the game. For now, Elliot is on an adventure, finding out where his dreams will take him.

Social Media Presence

Elliot Kingsley likes to keep things quiet when it comes to the internet. Unlike many people, he doesn’t share every part of his day on websites like Instagram or Twitter. Instead, Elliot enjoys his adventures and fun times without posting them online for everyone to see.

This means you won’t find many pictures or stories about him on social media. It’s like Elliot prefers to make his memories in real life, playing soccer or drawing, rather than showing them to the world through a screen. So, if you’re looking for Elliot online, he’s probably too busy having fun offline!

Famous Reason

Elliot Kingsley is mostly known because of his famous stepdad, Ozzy Osbourne, who is a big star in music. Ozzy sings in a band and lots of people listen to his songs. Elliot’s connection to Ozzy makes many people curious about him, even though Elliot likes to keep his life quiet.

It’s kind of like when a character in your favorite cartoon has a famous family member; it makes that character interesting to others. So, Elliot’s famous reason is mostly because of who his stepdad is, and that’s pretty interesting to a lot of people.

Net Worth and Achievement

Elliot Kingsley is still on his big adventure, finding out what makes him happiest. This means he hasn’t started a job like some grown-ups do, so talking about money ,His net worth is  around $600,000.

Instead, Elliot is busy exploring, playing, and learning every day, which are pretty cool achievements on their own! Imagine all the fun things he discovers and all the great drawings and soccer games he enjoys. Those are the kinds of treasures Elliot is collecting on his adventure, and they’re just as special as any treasure chest.

Nationality and Religion

Elliot Kingsley was born in the United States, so he is American. Just like you might have a place where you were born, that’s Elliot’s special place. As for religion, is Christianity.

But Elliot’s beliefs are his own little secret. Everyone believes in different things, and that’s okay because it makes the world an interesting place, full of different stories and ideas. Just like everyone in your class likes different things, Elliot has his own likes too.

Legacy and Impact

Elliot Kingsley’s story is still being written, so it’s a bit early to talk about his legacy and impact, just like when you’re in the middle of a great book and can’t wait to see what happens next.

Even though Elliot is young and exploring life’s adventures, every kind thing he does, every game he plays with friends, and every drawing he creates adds something special to the world around him. Just like how your kindness and laughter make your family and friends happy, Elliot’s journey is making its mark in its own unique way.

elliot kingsley Hobbies

  • Elliot likes to read books. He loves stories about heroes and adventures.
  • He enjoys playing outside. Sometimes he plays soccer with friends.
  • Elliot is good at drawing. He draws pictures of animals and cartoons.
  • He likes to listen to music. His favorite songs make him happy and want to dance.
  • Elliot loves to watch movies. Funny movies are his favorite because they make him laugh.
  • Sometimes, Elliot tries cooking. He helps make cookies and enjoys decorating them.
  • Elliot also likes to learn new things. He asks lots of questions and tries new activities.

elliot kingsley Favorite Thing

  • Elliot loves to run and kick the ball with his friends. It’s super fun for him.
  • He enjoys creating pictures. Animals and cartoons are his favorite things to draw.
  • Elliot has favorite songs that make him want to dance around the room.
  • Funny movies are the best because they make him laugh a lot.
  • Stories about heroes going on adventures are really cool to Elliot.
  • Making cookies and decorating them is something Elliot finds really exciting.
  • He is always curious, asking questions, and trying out new activities.

Interesting Facts About elliot kingsley

  • Elliot has a famous stepdad named Ozzy Osbourne, who sings in a band.
  • He was born in the USA and has a mom named Thelma.
  • Elliot loves to be outside and play games with his friends.
  • He is really good at drawing things like animals and cartoon characters.
  • Music makes him happy, and he likes to dance to his favorite songs.
  • Watching movies that make him laugh is one of his favorite things to do.
  • Elliot is curious and loves to learn new stuff by asking lots of questions.


What is Elliot Kingsley’s favorite sport?

Elliot loves playing soccer with his friends. It’s his number one sport because kicking the ball is super fun for him.

Does Elliot Kingsley have any siblings?

This wasn’t mentioned, so we don’t know for sure. Elliot’s family details are a bit private.

Who is Elliot Kingsley’s famous stepdad?

His stepdad is Ozzy Osbourne, a famous singer in a band.

What does Elliot like to draw?

Elliot enjoys drawing animals and cartoon characters a lot.

What makes Elliot laugh?

Funny movies are his favorite because they make him giggle and laugh a lot.

Can Elliot cook?

Yes, Elliot tries cooking sometimes. He especially likes making and decorating cookies.

Is Elliot curious?

Yes, Elliot loves learning new things. He asks lots of questions and is always trying out new activities.

What is the religion of Kingsley?

Kingsley grew up in Pendlebury, Lancashire. Kingsley is a Quaker. His father, a Gujarati Khoja, was an Isma’ili Shia Muslim. But, Kingsley was not raised in his father’s faith.

Which religion is very brave?

Why Sikhs are considered as the bravest community? Sikhs are universally recognized as the bravest community in the world. Even Maharaja Ranjit Singh was named the greatest leader in history for modernizing and uniting a powerful force. His reign marked a golden age for Punjab and northwest India.

Whose religion is Zoroastrianism?

Zoroastrianism is an ancient pre-Islamic religion of Iran. It survives in isolated areas of Iran and, more prosperously, in India. There, the descendants of Zoroastrian Iranian (Persian) immigrants are known as Parsis, or Parsees.

Do Zoroastrians believe in Allah?

Scholars all over the world study and carry research on these two religions. Islam teaches us to believe in one God, “Allah.” In Zoroastrianism, a dualistic belief exists in the guise of God. This dualistic belief has been studied very thoroughly by experts and religious scholars.

Who plays the mom in Empire?

In the second season of Empire, Kelly Rowland plays a recurring role via flashbacks. She is also “played” by Keishana Miller portrays a fictional version of Leah Walker in the  Boom Boom” music video. She is currently being portrayed by Leslie Uggams.

Who is Ozzy’s adopted son?

As the group began to take off, Ozzy met and married his first wife, Thelma Mayfair, in 1971. Thelma had a five-year-old son, Elliot Kingsley, from a previous marriage. Ozzy adopted him. Together, Ozzy and Thelma had a daughter, Jessica Starshine, in 1973, and a son, Louis Jon, in 1975.


In wrapping up, Elliot Kingsley has a cool life with many interests. He loves playing soccer, drawing, listening to music, watching movies, baking cookies, and exploring new things. Having a famous stepdad like Ozzy Osbourne is pretty unique too.

Even though his family’s story is a bit complicated, it’s clear Elliot makes the most of his hobbies and talents. Remember, whether it’s kicking a ball, creating art, or laughing at funny movies, Elliot shows us it’s great to do what makes us happy. Thanks for learning about Elliot with me!


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